
Posts Tagged ‘casey wood’

Hold yourself back, just a couple more days. Don’t let Jupiter pull you out ahead of yourself!! Wait until after Christmas to allow the big to go BIG! Things undertaken during Retrogrades often require re-doing after going direct.

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Mercury is direct early Sag, Uranus is direct early Aries. Jupiter still retrograde near beginning of Taurus. We are getting another pass at energies that we had the opportunity to go through earlier. This time we have a little more of our mastery within our grasp, have weeded out some of the people and experiences that were less than our dreams, are more willing to go for it – having seen the consequences of not – and when Jupiter turns around on the 25th we will be ready to go BigGER!! and further with more confidence and commitment. Girls to Women. Boys to Men. All of us to confident innocence with the ability to back ourselves up with our soul’s authority. The arrow has arrived at the target before the hand touches the sinew. . . or not. Be the strong direction of your own trajectory.

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The sun is in Leo now. Explore your creativity!

Sorry you have to cut and paste this url, but I can’t get the vid to load and you must see this – its so inspiring!

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Three eclipses, 6 weeks of focused energetic mystery, and the Sun in tender Cancer.  Aquarians seem to be slowing down to notice their bodies, Librans seem to be noticing themselves, and Aries might be valuing themselves a little deeper.  Everyone else but Scorpio seems to be surfing the bumps and downgrades successfully with some turbulence.  Scorpio just can’t seem to let the deep dive come up – still struggling to go all the way, refusing to miss anything importantly passionately painful.

Scorpio, beloved Scorpio, come up for some air.

We need your passionate, deep, rich, experience of the magnitude of humanness to point the way toward joy, a passionate creation of the new realities and an explosive tantra of sublime stillness.

Do that . . .

then call me for dinner and spend the night.

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Winter Solstice Energy is pretty dramatic this year.  Take this basketball hanging out on the rim after bouncing 6 feet off it – just sitting there waiting for another player to wave an energy up at it and tip it in.  I personally love the way he waves the energy up in just the correct direction and velocity to tip it in AND he knows it!

This clip is such a great example of how we use energy and then talk about physics as if the world were still normal.  This place is not normal anymore.  Every wild card and joker in the universe is in play.  We are manifesting consciousness and un-manifesting, complicating and entangling, unraveling, unwinding and loosening our grip on the reality we used to know.  In many ways its getting easier as it gets more fluid, but at the same time we are called to practice our own impeccability at a much higher level than ever before.  Don’t let any communications slide or neglect to say thank-you, please, and permission.  This instant manifestation also means that there’s little slack and we need to cultivate magnificent grace to make up for that.

Notice how your thoughts and previous experience have cut a groove that you may want to step out of.  Do it with your awareness, take a minute to notice that you are rerunning and breathe into a new reality, then act in a new way.  Knowledge only counts if you live it.  Having it in your head but not doing it isn’t “it” yet.  Do it, do everything you know. Do it now, with what you’ve got.  We’re all in this together.

Pay attention and hone your awareness for the real juice of life, show up for the party, tell the truth and let go.  Cultivate love and compassion with un-attachment, hold things gently and allow for more than you hope.

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Venus Retrograde:

Buffalo family’s painting could be a Michelangelo – NYPOST.com.

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WOW, here’s a great energetic portrait.

Pluto is the unconscious demanding an evolution.  Pluto is in Capricorn.

Capricorn is cultural rules and regulations, suits and ties, appropriate behavior

Venus and Mars represent the feminine and masculine, God/Goddess and they are both in Scorpio at the moment asking for a deeper, sexier, more intimate experience of joy, bliss, passion, and sexuality.  And right now Venus is retrograde asking us to turn around and reassess how we get our needs met.

Saturn is in Libra focusing us on relationship and the manifesting abilities of relating.

The Libra new moon was sandwiched between 2, count’em TWO, Aries full moons.  Aries when pushed, shoves back.  In its drive to be totally healthy its all about singularity of self, self chosen timing, and freedom to move on a kinesthetic style of motivational impulses.

Here we are with six weeks of this energy to play in and with.  What a fun trip out of the cages we’ve allowed ourselves to be packaged in – spread your wings and take off…

So my hats off to either the intuition of the timing of this video release, the consciousness of the director or someone behind the scenes must be an astrologer!  Or maybe we’re just all in oneness these days and it keeps getting better.

For those who don’t know me, I can get a bit crazy
Have to get my way, 24 hours a day
‘Cause I’m hot like that
Every guy everywhere just gives me mad attention
Like I’m under inspection, I always get the 10s
‘Cause I’m built like that

I go through guys like money flyin’ out their hands
They try to change me but they realize they can’t
And every tomorrow is a day I never planned
If you’re gonna be my man, understand

I can’t be tamed, I can’t be saved
I can’t be blamed, I can’t, can’t
I can’t be tamed, I can’t be changed
I can’t be saved, I can’t be (can’t be)
I can’t be tamed

If I see my reflection about my intentions
I’ll tell ya I’m not here to sell ya
Or tell ya to get to hell
I’m like a puzzle but all of my pieces are jagged
If you can understand this, we can make some magic
I’m on like that

I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don’t know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know

I can’t be tamed, I can’t be saved
I can’t be blamed, I can’t, can’t
I can’t be tamed, I can’t be changed
I can’t be saved, I can’t be (can’t be)
I can’t be tamed

I’m not a trick you play, I ride a different way
I’m not a mistake, I’m not a fake, It’s set in my DNA
Don’t change me (x4)
(I can’t be tamed)

I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don’t know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know

I can’t be tamed, I can’t be saved
I can’t be blamed, I can’t, can’t
I can’t be tamed, I can’t be changed
I can’t be saved, I can’t be (can’t be)
I can’t be tamed

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This is the latest note from my friend in Sweden and the reuniting of the masculine & feminine. Casey
Dear Friends,

In lieu of the The Tree of life Celebration I have written this pledge of Love please pass it on if you feel inclined.

Please join us on face book. The Tree of Life Celebration (Celebrating the reunification of the divine masculine and divine feminine… in to ONE)

Love and Gratitude



A pledge of Love


In May 2010 eight men of all walks of life, gathered in Småland, Sweden. This was to be a journey in to the Collective subconscious in an attempt to break down the walls of suppression that the false masculine has been holding over the divine feminine for the last 5000 years.

We went through a process of accountability and responsibility both for our personal and our collective relationship to all feminine, including our own feminine within. We went deep in to every daily aspect… and to the darkest corners of history.

We then asked for Forgiveness. We asked for forgiveness, unconditionally, from the deepest part of our souls to all women and the divine feminine.

When I came home, I asked for forgiveness from my wife and best friend… I now, revere her intuition, see her love and hear her voice.

A shift in the Underworld had clearly taken place. I have in the months since, held circle’s directly in front of women, going through the process of accountability and responsibility… asking for forgiveness. It has been the most powerful work I have ever participated in. We are severing ties in the collective subconscious, ties we never thought could be broken. I am in deep, deep Gratitude to the Divine Feminine…


I am asking for forgiveness.

As a man and a representative for the masculine I want to take full responsibility and accountability for all that I, as an individual in this lifetime, in the conscious, sub conscious and all dimensions, has done to women and the feminine in disrespect to the divine.

I take full responsibility and accountability for my relationship and how I have treated, my mother, my sister’s, my grandmother’s, my wife, my daughter’s, my girlfriends, and all women I have ever come in contact with. I take responsibility for all known and unknown control I have used to keep the feminine energy down. I take responsibility for all disrespectful thoughts of women I have ever had. I take full responsibility for my violent acts on animal life, nature and mother earth.

I apologize and ask the divine feminine, all women, all feminine energy for forgiveness.

As a man and a representative of the collective masculine I take full responsibility for all violent acts that has ever taken place on the divine feminine. I take full responsibility for all violent acts, wars, rapes, torture in the name of man, that has ever taken place. I take responsibility for the massive suppression, manipulation and deception that has systematically been used and is used to keep the feminine down. As a representative of the collective masculine, I take full responsibility and accountability for the rape and violence on our divine mother earth.

As a representative of the collective masculine I ask all women and the divine feminine for forgiveness. I ask for forgiveness from the deepest part of the collective masculine soul.

I am so, so sorry! We are so, so sorry!


My Pledge of Love

This is A pledge of worship, support and love to the Divine Feminine, femininity and all women. You are the power of Creation. I am here to revere, love and support you. I am the water that the plant needs in order to grow. This is my role as a representation of the true Masculine. You are revered, loved and supported from the true Masculine as we are once again ONE.


Petter Barve

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This letter came to me from my friend in Sweden.  I thought it was a great idea that matched the astrology in many ways.  Read the next post to see the update. Casey

Dear friends,

I want to take the opportunity to thank all of you all, but foremost the women for the support during Sundays event. It was an unbelievable healing process and went far beyond expectations. Words do not really suffice nor explain the gratitude we feel. I will here give you some personal highlights of how I experienced the weekend.
Most of us came in on Friday night and a couple joined first thing Saturday morning. We where eight men in the circle which is the number I had in secret asked for.
As we started we found it uncomfortable to go into a process without a clear structure or direction. The structure and direction of course a masculine phenomena.  Our intent was to let the unknown leaderless feminine magic lead. After a few hours we broke in to it. Magical it was. One by one we had our moments just exactly when we where supposed to.
In the evening that first day after going through the collective pain channel, we planted a cherry blossom tree in honor of the feminine. Some joined in a wood fire sauna and others cooked the supper. We all trotted off to bed close to midnight.
We gathered around 9 on Sunday morning and started setting the intentions, of asking for forgiveness. For me this was the most powerful part. We asked for forgiveness for personal and collective events covering every hidden corner of our souls. The whole thing took over 3 hours from the very beginning to the end. One of the most remarkable things was that the presence of a ring of women around us was felt by all.
After some lunch we ended with everyone sharing visions, of where we all wanted to see things go next, but above all a proclamation of our and the collective unconditional LOVE for all WOMEN and all FEMININE.
We have come to a deeper understanding of masculinity and of femininity and are ready to take the next step to be real men in love, support and reverence of The Power Of Creation, The feminine.
Love and Thank you!

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Libra in an Aries Sandwich!

The full moon 2 weeks ago was at zero degrees Aries – whole fresh new Aries energy – and since that’s basically the energy of Aries anyway, we’re talkin’ really fresh.  I mean you won’t even recognize yourself being this new!  You’ll surprise yourself with what you are “just doing”. The next full moon is at 29 degrees Aries, all the way at the other end of total confidence and mastery of Self.  Here’s where we experience the perfect timing of healthy Aries knowing just what to do and how much to do it

Today’s New Moon in Libra is the perfect gooey spread for this Aries Sandwich.  Time to disable any enabling and start kick starting yourself into internal truth telling so that your action gets into the action.  Mostly just stop doing things the way you’ve always done it.  Let your ideas fly into action before you have time to out think yourself, before you have time to talk yourself out of your own creativity, before you forget to forget what you were supposed to remember.

Libra when dysfunctional will defer herself right out of existence, but not in this Aries Sandwich, no way that would even be possible.  There’s nowhere to defer to that isn’t in the sling-shot, ready to be catapulted into high gear, fast forward go-go-go.

Enjoy the blast off and share your experiences as comments to this post.

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