
Posts Tagged ‘astrology’

Whether its white male or black male, tall person, strong person or spiritual – most of us can find our own external experience of entitlement.  But it’s also the thing “we” “found” by our twenties in order to survive in the patriarchal, top down world of dominance and control.  Those of us who found our own keys to success mostly found the part of us that could dominate in some way because that’s what works in our outer world.

Early on I choose my ability to DO it as my entitlement, it was easier to just do things myself rather than collaborate. The family around me really hated that! Then later I perfected my mind through a metaphysical spiritual keyhole that few could follow me through.  That gave me the edge, something I could sell, that set me apart and gave me my own brand of entitlement! A spiritual entitlement that I taught to students so they could claim their own abilities, unlike in another era where we played it out as sorcery, using our mastery to take up the tools and abilities of others for our own advantage. Check it out, you probably took up a cultural entitlement unconsciously or made up one that suited your own default to mastery mechanisms to a tee.  Those default mechanisms mostly come from our past lives where we spent whole lifetimes perfecting some thread of reality that paid off with success in the local culture.

Each personal default to mastery zone must be remembered, reclaimed, and reconstituted for current collaborative co-creation.

Another mechanism of entitlement gets played out as some form of dominance on the playground in elementary school.  This one is the most dangerous to us culturally now – the one where the biggest, richest, prettiest, nastiest is still stuck in the schoolyard of reality.  The ones of us or the part of us that still lives here missed the primal scream of the sixties, the self help groups of the seventies, the flight from the dysfunctional codependency of the eighties, and even the backlash to all consciousness movements of the nineties.  So here we are in the new millennium’s second decade with our entitlement cathedral showing cracks in the glass slides.  This time we all have to dismantle the entitlement, even the ones born unquestionably into it.

The planet, the people, and the astrology, all require that we DROP IT AND GO.

Take up the collaborations willingly, gracefully and enthusiastically, because we can’t save ourselves individually anymore.  We can’t continue to work alone and get by because getting by isn’t enough.  In collaborations of creativity we can find grand resolutions instead of band-aid solutions.  In collaborations of co-creation we can become a new reality that includes and thrives on everyone’s participation and wellbeing, which in turn creates more collaborations of co-creation.  It’s a snowball rolling downhill benefiting everyone along the way.

“Glass slides?” you say.

It’s a brilliant system for monitoring the outer external effects of change.

Once when I toured the cathedral in York, England I saw these little glass microscope slides glued on the tower’s stonework a hundred feet off the ground in its tower.  It turns out that is the practical method of monitoring the majestic tower for potential settling and dangerous although infinitesimally small movements of change.  The glass slide is glued on either side of any tiny cracks so that even the tiniest change will break the glass slide.    The cracks were so small that I didn’t even register that they were under there when I saw the slides.

The irony of that tiny change threatening the strength and longevity of the colossal monument to a spiritual tradition of entitlement that claimed the resources from the people who both willingly and unwillingly contributed the resources of their reality to build it.

The thing about entitlement that doesn’t work is when it unconsciously precludes others from their rightful place in the mix.  The pattern, of course, that is really boring us today is the one from the genderly/racially unconscious masculine still stuck, no matter how subtle or needy, in dominance and control.  All of us can have our Masculine playing out the old tired patterns. They can be in white men, black men, brown men, yellow men, gay women, straight women, children and dogs!  Yes, I said dogs.  They resonate and respond to the masculine non-physically in the energy field and physically in their behavior.  If you have a dog, you know what it takes to be alpha and the bigger or more alpha the dog the more alpha you have to behave to stay in control and dominance.

This is why the Haitians will not play out some weird violence in their grief.  They aren’t stuck in our western, American, cultural entitlement of dominance or control.

When nature says its time to collaborate, the wise begin the co-creation.

It is my feeling that compassion and truth are activated by the profundity of humanity in need as in the experience of a major earthquake.  People of the truth respond with compassion and appropriate behavior unlike the old dominance and control, which would either be unable to respond or would behave in an opportunistic way.  The last entitlement hold-outs are still working the media for advantage since it might be the only thing they’ve got left to play.  Likely the Haitians are not getting the television messages from us.  They’ll do their own right thing.  And like Katrina the world’s wise and compassionate ones are already on their way to Haiti to help in any way they can with what they’ve got right now.  They know who they are and I bless them and send them my love as they begin a magnificent collaborative co-creation of life emerging from the ruble of mother nature’s demand for presence.

In case you need more information about how to be aware and demanding in the dissolution of the patterns of entitlement in your own life here is a little help.

A Profile of Entitlement:

– Verbal monologue-ing that is not interesting to the listener – and only mildly to the cultural anthropologist. Verbosity on the topic that defines the particular self appointed field of mastery in reference to the world of duality and polarization that puts the entitled on top.

– Repeatedly and often soliciting rave reviews and active recognition of this mastery and prowess.  Did you see that?  Did you like that?  I did that, That was me, It’s all about me, me, me, me, me.  Designed to reinforce the entitled’s position at the top of at least the listener’s field of reference.

– Diminishing the options of the perceived underlings in order to maintain the illusion that the entitled is still supreme in some regard.  Classic to this tenet is the abused wife cut off from family, friend’s and culture by having no car, violence if leaving the house or talking to others who threaten the dominance of the entitled person.

–  Needing to experience the world through one’s sexuality or verbalizations as the primary domination.  Loves football, dogs, and anything else that can be verbally controlled or physically won.  Ok I’d love to have this one not be true, my sister is a football maniac and she assures me that she is not entitled in any way but the truth is that these items do make up a large part of the pattern structure so it magnetizes the entitled ones into its field of play.

On this idea, the pattern of entitlement reaches is cliché.  It’s a good place for me to get back to the subtlety of it because we all have to personally unravel by UN CHOOSING our own entitlement behaviors.  For most women and some men, it is now time to create our own authentic field of respect and EXPECT-ation.

It’s time for us to expect to be treated with respect, expect reverence for the feminine, expect protection for the earth and her natural creatures, expect to be abundant, expect to be included in the flow of life, expect to have our creativity recognized, and expect to collaborate wildly and successfully as we co-create a grand resolution for ourselves, our communities, our families of choice, and our meaningful relationships.

Happy eclipse season and may all your created entitlements dissolve into authentic birthrights.

Collaborative Co-Creation is our next step into abundant health, wealth, happiness, and wisdom.

Whether you are back stage, on stage, in the audience, or at your computer, I honor your part in our collaboration to co-create a new reality.

Casey Wood, 310-430-9283



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Wow here we are in the science fiction zone of the 1950’s and there’s no George Jetson reality.  But it could arrive in 2010!  Robots are ramping up, technology is already reved, the old world is crumbling, the economy threatens to tank even worse and the Chiron/Jupiter/Neptune conjunction just keeps on going.

On New Year’s Eve we are treated to a Full Moon, which is a Blue Moon or second full moon in one month.  It’s also eclipsed by the earth. What an amazing day!  These are big energies that are focused in the sign of Cancer where we want safety, tenderness, home and hearth.  Usually the full moon puts lots of light on our subconscious needs so that we can see them more clearly.  The eclipse however will give us lots of exposure of the subconscious but without the lights on – allowing us to experience the Shadow of the Shadow. Allowing us to go in – archeologically – to explore and change the subconscious through experiencing authentically and witnessing that experience.

This one is in Cancer so what kind of home do you really want, how do you really feel, what does your family really mean to you?  And of course keep going deeper, like past life families, build a home out of dirt, or consciously invite a created family together to manifest your dream of a safe environment.  There’s more to come so stay tuned…

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Saturn (the big daddy, rules and regulations) is just finishing up a more than 2 year stint through Virgo, which is the SHADOW of the last 2160 years! Just what it sounds like – the dark gookies, the hidden agendas, the unexpressed/repressed/oppressed/suppressed.  But also the mind at its most manic, trying to figure everything out, manipulating everything, masking all authentic actions.  And what I call the shadow of the shadow where the “other” responds with a huge no and over reacts to 2 thousand years of b.s. by some big overplayed card slamming onto the table in repressed/suppressed/oppressed over reaction.  And it was probably about time for some change anyway…  you just can’t tell anymore if there was ever a victim or perpetrator or only just overplayed mistakes in emotional misunderstanding in the pendulum swing from one life to the next. Anyway Saturn moves into Libra today!  Now it will play out in the relationship arena.  Maybe you were starting to see the Libra context (relationship) beginning to develop.  Anyway Saturn forces its topic of the day up to the top of the list and demands that it be handled first and in those last few days/weeks of a sign the “shit hits the fan” and those on the growth path try to “squeeze blood out of the current turnip” so as not to miss anything.  Saturn will go back into Virgo for 3 months in early 2010 so it will be interesting to see if the patterns of late reemerge then.
We also have Pluto, Mars, and Saturn (all the warrior energies) playing big cards while Uranus (the radical shake up artist) gooses their asses into eccentric behaviors.  Should be quite a show!  I’m amazed and relieved that we haven’t had any global wild card warriors hit the table.  It would be good to divert the repetition of history on this one.

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These three are tracking together for months so we will get lots of practice in working with the Christ field of oneness. Who is your family, how are you related, always calibrate one another UP!, we ARE all connected and related, it’s BIG, You are BIG, bigger is better/easier, everyone’s in the same boat, and its only going to keep amping up so figure it out for yourself. You are a magnificent facet of the God source and we all need you to be your biggest self, now. “Please reflect that to everyone so we can be healthy and stable in our own SELF center.” We are in this together so if you can support those who have less of whatever is your expertise its time to share it! Do something, do anything, but do it now with what you’ve got. Today is 12/12/09, another booster rocket to 12/12/12. Just a little practice day for each one’s ability to receive the divine dispensation of love pouring into us if we let it. Open your heart and spread the love and strength around in your own inner circle of those who really do support you in being your biggest soul self. Each one of us can put our philanthropy to work with someone in our own network who needs what we have in abundance. We don’t require investors to do this. We don’t require millions, or hundreds of thousands of dollars, we just need to recognize our own God self has the power of abundant love to spread around. It might be money, but it might be food, or clothing, or a lift somewhere, or a couch to sleep on, or the best gift of all – love and support for being one’s full radiant self.

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Aries Full Moon at 11 degrees.
The master number 11 applies to your ability and drive to DO IT. And we will all want to DO IT our own way. Obviously that’s going to be easier if we are aligned with divine will so as to minimize the conflict of that many leaders! We are a large group focused on personal wellbeing and earth restoration. Do your part by being yourself and doing your passion with grace and ease at the perfect timing.

It is often said that Aries has to learn patience but I disagree. If your Aries is having to learn patience then you are missing the Aries point which is more like a blue heron. The Blue Heron fishes and stands, catches and eats, flies and sleeps, it does not wait nor learn patience.  Aries is present in the moment, not waiting, not patient, just present in perfect timing with the perfect action in the right amount. DO IT or don’t do it, but make it YOURS.

A friend of mine who does massage of the organs and belly has moved into the San Francisco and Monterey Bay area. She’s also a midwife so pass the word on to anyone you know who is pregnant!
I found her belly massage to be exceptional. Clearing last remaining physical residues of all the clearing I’ve already done. It was very cool. The full moon is in Aries and so is her chiron, making her the perfect bodywork for the next 2 weeks. Hope you can all indulge yourselves and let her help you get your solar plexus online and open. It’s time to “do it your way” – that’s the message of this moon cycle. The will power moves through the belly (and our emotional history) moving the soul’s power, held in the lumbars, into action (Aries) with the will (Leo) in harmony (Cancer/Moon) with the soul (Pisces). Enjoy and let me know how it is for you…

Astrid is currently in Santa Cruz, CA, available to the whole San Francisco Bay Area and Monterey Bay Areas. You are so lucky she is in your vicinity. Take advantage and get your organs massaged into their correct placement. It will help your consciousness align as well.  http://www.birthrootmidwife.com   360-630-8391 is her cell number.  And yes she does work on men and women both.

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I can’t decide if Pluto on my Sun/Mercury conjunction renders me an expert on this Pluto transit or incapacitated by it. I do feel that any discussion about Pluto is speculation, we just can’t know what the evolution was until later. Keep that in mind while you struggle against the deep urge for change, the deep longing for community, the subterranean need for a real soul centered job, or the crisis of movement – I mean I’ve really got to go now. I find that if I keep moving along I get a free day on the gameboard of life with no aches or pains, no worries – feeling like I’m in the right spot and its all working. I keep my desire to accomplish something at bay by being earth focused and in the moment. . . .Surrendering my yang “wanting to be needed” part as I tell myself that I am operating on a global service level that is real and meaningful. I know that both my identity (Sun 0 Cap) and the earth will be fine in a while however dramatically changed we are by Pluto’s move into Capricorn. Bedrock is moving under our feet and there is precious little we can do to prevent it and historically plenty we can do to support it into restoration of earth and our collective humanitarian sanity. It really is time for all of us to Do and Be what we came here to Do and Be. Everyone has a leadership role on something you are passionately sure about, no matter how fleeting! Find your tribe and get ’em going!

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Happy Energy Full Moon. Pay attention to the energy of things. The nonphysical world is rich with content, just like the physical 3-d that we are used to in our daily lives.

The last two weeks were devoted to remembering what used to keep us from our true Leo purpose and ease of being with full creativity engaged. Going in to a deeper level of freedom and satisfaction. I hope you were able to free yourself or find a new ease in it. Happy creating!

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Yesterday I searched for the perfect photo of Michael Jackson to use as an icon of the 1980’s. Of course it would be a Thriller photo.
Today – it’s a different world.

At 12:30pm when he checked into the hospital in LA my world slowed to a surreal fog and my traveling companion and I are melding into an energy field of retrospective peacefulness. The world changed before we knew it had. The day turned mentally foggy and disjointed, lost items were hopelessly un-retrievable.

Michael Jackson holds a huge global field of love.

No matter what you believe about Michael’s personal life, he has kept the message pure and clear. No matter what the current media assault, his gentleness and eccentric creativity shine beyond comparison.

And he owns The Beatles Music!! How weird and wonderful, how bizarre and sad.

In my astrology he is a chironbaby – a wise old master trying to find his way to remembering who he really is and why this life was his canvas. The challenge was one of seeing himself clearly, and in a kind of nobility rising to his own high potential. Creativity.

From late 1954 to 1991, not continuously but sprinkled throughout, babies were born who did not fit the cultural patterns, would not follow the prescribed paths, and who had a sexual vitality to wake the dead!

This group, plus some other rogue souls, set out to change the world by loving it and being wildly creative. This wild creativity it turns out is the only way to stay energetically impervious to the assaults and tremendous cultural “drag” that threatens to take them out at every turn.

Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, John Lennon, you know the list. Every one of them a chironbaby. An old master remembering, not a child learning. Michael made it to 50! That’s strong. But couldn’t make it through his Chiron return – when the little planetoid, Chiron comes back to where it was when you were born. It’s a tremendous rebirth for each of us. If you don’t use the strength of your own mind to give yourself the correct, life affirming messages your body can believe that it is dying or worse yet, create the circumstances of your death. The mind is our best asset and our most useful tool for change, stability, and most of all for creating the field of potential around our bodies.

In a world that does not generally support life on earth, it’s really important to teach yourself how to manage your own mind. Especially not allowing anyone the right-of-way in your train of thought. Steer clear of those ‘accusing you of living in your own world’ or ‘nay-sayers’ What works today is to think in your own crazy coherent personalized creative way. Develop your own operating system, your own encyclopedia of experience and use it.

Looking beyond the culture at large and nurturing your own creativity is the best life support system available. Breathe deeply, get out in the trees and next to the ocean – inhale the air your body needs to do its health well. Drink water that’s alive, even if you have to give it prayer resuscitation. In fact give it the prayer treatment anyway.

Eat high frequency foods and organics to keep the poison to a minimum. Move your body, walking is good but make sure you move your upper body to keep the lymphatic system working well. Turn yourself upside down whenever you can and roll down a hill just to give yourself a reality check.

Figure out what you love, what makes you excited to get up in the morning, and then DO IT. Do it and take a following with you.

Create your tribe, or find the tribes that make you laugh, and sing, or dance. Living a life of joy no matter what cultural or familial cues previously pushed your buttons. There’s no need to take the time for resolution, understanding, correction, or being understood. If it didn’t work move on and don’t throw the energy around in a tantrum. It doesn’t matter if anyone else “gets” it.

We’ve gone global, we’ve worked locally, now its time to make a personal creative statement.

Make your life a personal creative statement just because you can.

Casey Wood

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Toward 2012 by Casey Wood (written late 2007)

310-430-9283, www.chironbabies.com

2007 is preparatory for humanity and planet earth to take the quantum leap enmasse during 2008.  To the extent we are prepared (and in love with ourselves and the earth) we can manifest the “painless” paradigm shift beginning around 1/25/08, when Pluto moves to zero degrees Capricorn.  Lots of folks have already done it and are standing by as sacred witnesses, mentors, and role models.  However, the overall “painlessness” is entirely dependent on having enough humans in the “right place” during this right time.  By right place I mean their correct home base on the ground – organic gardens and greenhouses and also their internal “right” – right with themselves, with God, with fellow human, with all aspects of Self.

This window of opportunity (much of 2008) is a free space on the game board of earth. A quantum reset button. Reboot option.  Just don’t close your eyes!  And DO NOT BACK UP!!  Its time to stay awake, play at the top of your game, and don’t sit out, the stakes are high and we’re playing for control of this planet by the Love Team.  (Every human being a member of this team.)  The “other” team does not care about humans or this planet except as it provides the fuel for their needs.  One of the confusing things here is that there are at least three teams, and that third team has been capitalizing on our assumption of two teams for just about as long as there’s been a serpent.

Love, by the way is a very advanced albeit natural technology, wanted by every joker and rook in this and other universes that didn’t come by it naturally.  A lot of games and wars are orchestrated around this fact – you’ve been watching them on American TV for about 4 decades.  Mid twentieth century, the missing understanding was not only quantum physics but the metaphysical as well.  Over those same 4 decades the old mystery school curriculum has been made available to all areas the globe.  And quantum physics is a household word.  Now we’re putting the package together!  If we can reach critical numbers in the “awake” column we keep the makeover from being completely unbearable.

During this cosmically ‘short’ window (2008) the new thing will just happen.  Our community, communications, and ability to hold the field for at least 3 months is the key to the level of stability staged and foundational for the next 4 years.  In other words if we can create our dream and hold it in consciousness strongly, unequivocally, plus  emotionally and mentally neutral, (that is passionately but not defiantly) then we will minimize the trauma.  We are in a mess, we can’t make it go away but we can work together to accomplish the Love we are here to experience.

When I was in art school one of my photography instructors was a surrealist who had lived and photographed during WWII.  He talked about the passionate lives and the passionate relationships, the great art and the powerful messages conveyed.   And he said if he could choose he would live like that again.  It was that rich and meaningful.

We need to generate powerful meaning, passionate communication and creative community in spite of the world and in the world around us.  These are intense times and the possibilities are magnificent for the creative and passionate souls.  If you’re reading this you would be one of them!  Enjoy the ride and be passionate about it.

2007 and our experience of “Other”. (Written fall 2006)

Juno is the asteroid indicating how we want to be seen in relationship and how we see our partners in relationship, what we deem important to relating, and our style of relating.  From October 2006 to September 9, 2007 she is in Libra, sign of the feminine mind, the body/mind, the physically receptive mind.  In this sign we relate body to body, physically communicating without ever saying a word.  In fact saying more with our closeness than words or mind can figure out.

This time period is a fire walk unraveling the merging boundary issues of violence and addiction at its most base energetic through codependency issues of psychology on into quantum subtleties of Bodhisatvic conundrums of existential proportion.  These are all levels of our experience of one another’s body/mind. The Libra feminine body mind exiled perhaps since Atlantis, maybe earlier.

We are collectively and individually practicing through 2007 in order to learn how to stay open during extreme neurological/electrical bombardment of the physical and multidimensional realities on our yin/receptive natures.  Perfecting our feminine ability to stay open in extreme yang experiences.

The collective we is also practicing in order to fully learn how to deal with maximum exposure of the electromagnetic/emotional body in all its multidimensional presentations without diverting our attention from Self-Love.  Perfecting our masculine ability to stay strong in extreme yin experiences.

This is also probably the ‘three days of darkness”, “the zero point”, “the time to close the curtains of the pueblo and stay inside”.  We’re there folks, this is the moment and you’ve still got time to drop your baggage in order to be the planetary solution you were incarnated to BE.

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Casey’s Basic Tune-Up Meditation

  • Tune in to the Goddess/Earth/Love energies below your feet.  Imagine a clear path between your feet and the luscious core of the earth.  Nothing gets between you and your mother.  Now allow those vibrant revitalizing energies to gently flow through your feet, lets, butt, torso, head, and arms – shining out to support heaven.

  • Tune in to the God/Sky/Love energies above your head.  Imagine a clear path between your crown and cosmic knowledge.  Nothing gets between you and your father.  Now allow those dynamic energies to gently flow through your head and neck, down through the torso and filling the arms and legs, shining on down to support earth.
  • In case it hasn’t happened yet, ask for any interfering energies to be dissolved or removed from your being in all dimensions, all frequencies, all aspects of time and space, and any other way of perceiving yourself.  Now feel this as your home base.  Allow yourself to run higher voltage, especially in neck, ankles, and wrists.  Give yourself permission to turn on the juice.
  • Ask for any part of you that has been overworking to find its appropriate participation in your being, and for any dormant part to wake up and get on with it.
  • Request that all aspects of you now update to the present moment (condensing past and future), harmonizing and integrating all that has just changed.
  • Now sit with this wonderful feeling, allowing your self to know the truth of Being. Once you are in the fullness of this energy begin to radiate out to support all sentient beings in co-creating peace and abundance on earth.

If you have any questions or difficulties with this meditation please call.

Casey Wood                       310-430-9283                  www.chironbabies.com

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